Honorable President, George W. Bush,
On behalf of the Muslim community in Austria, I would like to convey our
deep, sincere sorrow, condolence and anguish regarding the horrendous crime
against humanity and despicable attacks against innocent people in the USA.
These attacks are against both - divine and human laws and we condemn them in
the strongest terms. Any kind of terrorism is neither justified nor endorsed by
any religion, including Judaism, Christianity and Islam - the religion of peace.
It is our sincere wish that through international cooperation the true
culprits will be apprehended and brought to legal justice and punishment.
We pray that God may give the American people strength and patience in this
hard time of tremendous pain and enable them to abstain from any undue actions,
to refrain from rushed judgments and thus helping to prevent increasing the
spiral of violence, worldwide.
May God give all of us the wisdom, knowledge
and understanding, to realize that neither innocent civilians, a certain race
nor adherents to a religion, wherever on this planet, can be held responsible
for the crimes committed by organized or unorganized individuals.
In the same spirit, any expression of joy or celebration in relation to this terrible incidence can only be understood as a manifestation of a confused state of mind and should be condemned.
We put our trust in you, respected Mr. President, that as the first leader of your nation, you will find the appropriate words to address your entire nation in this regard and take the adequate steps.
Joining America in deep mourning we pray for the Mercy and Blessings of God,
the Almighty, for the victims of these attacks and their families.
Sincerely Michael Muhammad Hanel
Vice-President and Media representative
of the Supreme Council of the Islamic Community of Austria
New Jersey, 14. Sept. 2001
Islamische Glaubensgemeinschaft in
Oberster Rat - Referat fuer Pressedienst
Bernardgasse 5, A - 1070 VIENNA, Austria
Honorable President, George W. Bush,
On behalf of our Muslim community, I would like to express our sincere appreciation and gratitude for your initiative to combat the anti-Muslim sentiments and actions in the USA, esp. conveying clear words and a specific message to the society from the Mihrab of Washington’s Islamic Center.
We do hope that with your initiative and the mutual efforts of all the responsible leaders, as well as through the efforts of the society, people will learn to differentiate between the message of Islam (peace) and the extreme violation of that message through misled individuals.
Praying for the Mercy and Blessings of God, the Almighty, for all of us, to search for and reach justice and peace amongst the brotherhood of mankind.
Sincerely Michael Muhammad Hanel
New Jersey, 18. Sept. 2001