Mathias Bröckers' Writersblog bei Zweitausendeins.

4. April 2006

Hauptverdächtiger: Dick Cheney.

Langsam wird's schwierig für die Pre$$titutes, die Skeptiker der offiziellen Verschwörungstheorie einfach nur als Spinner, Paranoiker und Bush-Hasser abzutun. Jetzt hat sich Dr. Robert Bowman - Leiter des "Star Wars"-Programms unter Ronald Reagan, hoch dekorierter Kampfpilot und Sicherheitsexperte - eindeutig geäußert. Und fordert die Aufklärung der von den Medien und der Untersuchungskommission ignorierten Luftmanöver am 11.9. - siehe hier und hier - sowie Ermittlungen gegen den Leiter dieser wargames, den er für den Hauptverdächtigen hält: Vizepräsident Dick Cheney.

"The exercises that went on that morning simulating the exact kind of thing that was happening so confused the people in the FAA and NORAD....that they didn't they didn't know what was real and what was part of the exercise."

"I think the people who planned and carried out those exercises, they're the ones that should be the object of investigation."

Asked if he could name a prime suspect who was the likely architect behind the attacks, Bowman stated: "If I had to narrow it down to one person....I think my prime suspect would be Dick Cheney."

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Veröffentlicht um : 08:47. | Beitrag broeckers

Former Head Of Star Wars Program Says Cheney Main 9/11 Suspect

Official version of events a conspiracy theory, says drills were cover for attacks

Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones/Prison | April 4 2006

The former head of the Star Wars missile defense program under Presidents Ford and Carter has gone public to say that the official version of 9/11 is a conspiracy theory and his main suspect for the architect of the attack is Vice President Dick Cheney.

Dr. Robert M. Bowman, Lt. Col., USAF, ret. flew 101 combat missions in Vietnam. He is the recipient of the Eisenhower Medal, the George F. Kennan Peace Prize, the President’s Medal of Veterans for Peace, the Society of Military Engineers Gold Medal (twice), six Air Medals, and dozens of other awards and honors. His Ph.D. is in Aeronautics and Nuclear Engineering from Caltech. He chaired 8 major international conferences, and is one of the country’s foremost experts on National Security.

Bowman worked secretly for the US government on the Star Wars project and was the first to coin the very term in a 1977 secret memo. After Bowman realized that the program was only ever intended to be used as an aggressive and not defensive tool, as part of a plan to initiate a nuclear war with the Soviets, he left the program and campaigned against it.

In an interview with The Alex Jones Show aired nationally on the GCN Radio Network, Bowman (pictured below) stated that at the bare minimum if Osama bin Laden and Al-Qaeda were involved in 9/11 then the government stood down and allowed the attacks to happen. He said it is plausible that the entire chain of military command were unaware of what was taking place and were used as tools by the people pulling the strings behind the attack.

Bowman outlined how the drills on the morning of 9/11 that simulated planes crashing into buildings on the east coast were used as a cover to dupe unwitting air defense personnel into not responding quickly enough to stop the attack.

"The exercises that went on that morning simulating the exact kind of thing that was happening so confused the people in the FAA and NORAD....that they didn't they didn't know what was real and what was part of the exercise," said Bowman

"I think the people who planned and carried out those exercises, they're the ones that should be the object of investigation."

Asked if he could name a prime suspect who was the likely architect behind the attacks, Bowman stated, "If I had to narrow it down to one person....I think my prime suspect would be Dick Cheney."

Bowman said that privately his military fighter pilot peers and colleagues did not disagree with his sentiments about the real story behind 9/11.

Bowman agreed that the US was in danger of slipping into a dictatorship and stated, "I think there's been nothing closer to fascism than what we've seen lately from this government."

Bowman slammed the Patriot Act as having, "Done more to destroy the rights of Americans than all of our enemies combined."

Bowman trashed the 9/11 Commission as a politically motivated cover-up with abounding conflicts of interest, charging, "The 9/11 Commission omitted anything that might be the least bit suspicious or embarrassing or in any way detract from the official conspiracy so it was a total whitewash."

"There needs to be a true investigation, not the kind of sham investigations we have had with the 9/11 omission and all the rest of that junk," said Bowman.

Asked if the perpetrators of 9/11 were preparing to stage another false-flag attack to reinvigorate their agenda Bowman agreed that, "I can see that and I hope they can't pull it off, I hope they are prevented from pulling it off but I know darn good and well they'd like to have another one."

A mainstay of the attack pieces against Charlie Sheen have been that he is not credible enough to speak on the topic of 9/11. These charges are ridiculed by the fact that Sheen is an expert on 9/11 who spends hours a day meticulously researching the topic, something that the attack dogs have failed to do, aiming their comments solely at Sheen's personal life and ignoring his invitation to challenge him on the facts.

In addition, from the very start we have put forth eminently credible individuals only for them to be ignored by the establishment media. Physics Professors, former White House advisors and CIA analysts, the father of Reaganomics, German Defense Ministers and Bush's former Secretary of the Treasury, have all gone public on 9/11 but have been uniformly ignored by the majority of the establishment press.

Will Robert Bowman also be blackballed as the mainstream continue to misrepresent the 9/11 truth movement as an occupation of the fringe minority?

Bowman is currently running for Congress in Florida's 15th District.

9/11: Regierung von Venezuela will neue Untersuchung

Posted on Monday, April 03 @ 14:46:58 CEST by wisnewski

Von Heiner Buecker und Gerhard Wisnewski

Einer von George W. Bushs waschechten 9/11-Heroes (links im Bild)  ist jetzt fremd gegangen. Nachdem er von dem falschen Präsidenten noch vorwenigen Jahren einen waschechten Tapferkeitsorden eingeheimst hatte, flog William Rodriguez jetzt zusammen mit dem US-Millionär Jimmy Walter nach Caracas in Venezuela, um dort die  Details für eine internationaleUntersuchung des 11.9. zu besprechen. Die Regierung von Venezuela will eine internationale Kommission zur Aufklärung des 11. September anstoßen.

Rodriguez war Hausmeister im World Trade Center. Neben dem Orden für Tapferkeit von George W. Bush erhielt er für seinen Mut am 11. September auch den Nationalpreis von Puerto Rico. Mehrere Male war er in den Nordturm zurückgekehrt, um Leute herauszuholen. Rodriguez weiß aber auch, daß es beim Zusammenbruch des World Trade Centers nicht mit rechten Dingen zugegangen war. So hatte er beispielsweise zahlreiche Sprengungen im Inneren der Gebäude wahrgenommen. Walter hat in den vergangenen Jahren eine grosse Medienkampagne gegen die US-Regierung
finanziert, über sechs Millionen Dollar gab er für Zeitungsanzeigen und über 1000 Fernsehspots allein im Grossraum New York aus. Er verschickte 650.000 DVDs mit Informationen zum 11.9.

In einem Radiointerview aus Venezuela berichteten Rodriguez und Walter am letzten Donnerstag von ihren Erfahrungen in Caracas. Sie hatten Gespräche mit dem Parlamentspräsidenten und hochge­stellten Regierungsmitgliedern. Walter und Rodriguez gaben auf mehreren Radio- und TV Sendern Interviews. Im Anschluss ist eine Reise nach Chile geplant.

Inzwischen droht der Kongressabgeordneten Cynthia McKinney aus Georgia eine Anklage wegen Widerstands gegen die Staatsgewalt - nachdem sie von einem Kontrollbeamten im Kongress angehalten worden war und sich dagegen zur Wehr gesetzt hatte. Sie hatte bereits 2003 auf Verwicklungen der Administration in die Anschläge vom 11.9. 2001 hingewiesen.

Radiointerview mit Jimmy Walter

(er sprach sich in der vergangenen Woche gegen die Lügen des 11. September aus und verlangte eine vorbehaltlose Untersuchung des 11.9.2001)