Beispiele amerikanischen virtueller Filmkunst

In the film Gladiator, Oliver Reed, one of the actors in the film died half way during the film. Hollywood replaced him with a computer generated 'actor'.
"The renowned British actor Oliver Reed died suddenly of heart failure in the midst of filming and the special effects team had to generate the final scenes by scanning Reed's face onto a stunt-double's body. "

In the film Forrest Gump, Tom Hanks who plays Forrest Gump is seen shaking hands with President Kennedy.
".....Forrest visits President Kennedy in the White House, receives the Medal of Honour, goes on TV with John Lennon, and shakes hands with President Nixon.

Most of these scenes were created using computer generated imaging (C.G.I). Forrest Gump was one of the early movies to take advantage of C.G.I, demonstrating that sci-fi films are not the only genre of films that can benefit from special effects."

If you have seen the Bin Laden video released by the US - make up your own mind if its original or a Hollywood production.

More Condemnation of the Pathetic Fake Video 'Evidence' - The Guardian

CIA's Funniest Home Video?

US Press Uses Actors in War On Islam

Osama Video Seems 'Too Good To Be True' Says Pravda

Arab Shout: It's All A Forgery!

Osama bin Surplus - Fake Osama In al-Jazeera Video?

The Taliban Home Video

Bin Laden Tape Fuels Anger, Doesn't Change Minds

US Releases 'Smoking Gun' Bin Laden Tape

Reactions To Alleged bin Laden Video

Islam im Gespräch - Terror & USA - Weitere Informationen zum ISLAM - Medienbeobachtung bei Radio FRO

© Islam im Gespräch, 16.12.2001