dpa-Übersetzung der offiziellen englischen Version des Bands: Das Video
Hier eine Kurzanalyse zu dem angeblich so aufschlussreichen Video von Muslim Markt.de
Fakten, Fiktionen, Fakes...
MPAC Finds Osama Bin Laden Tape Reprehensible; A Danger to All Muslims

Bin Laden: "Wir hatten die Zahl der Opfer im Voraus berechnet"

Washington. Das Pentagon hat am Donnerstag das mit Spannung erwartete Video
über ein Treffen Osama bin Ladens mit mehreren Gästen veröffentlicht. Es
folgen Auszüge in einer dpa-Übersetzung der offiziellen englischen Version
des Bands:

Osama bin Laden: "Wir hatten die Zahl der Opfer auf Seiten des Feindes im
Voraus berechnet (...). Wir hatten errechnet, dass drei bis vier Stockwerke
getroffen werden. Ich war von allen am optimistischsten. (unverständlich) auf
Grund meiner Erfahrung auf diesem Gebiet bin ich davon ausgegangen, dass der
brennenden Flugzeugtreibstoff die Eisenstruktur des Gebäudes schmelzen und
nur den Teil zum Einsturz bringen würde, in dem das Flugzeug einschlägt, und
die Stockwerke darüber. Mehr hatten wir nicht erhofft."

"Wir waren in (unverständlich) als es geschah. Wir hatten seit dem
vorhergehenden Donnerstag Kenntnisse, dass es an diesem Tag geschehen sollte.
Wir hatten an diesem Tag unsere Arbeit beendet und hatten das Radio an. Es
war 17.30 Uhr unserer Zeit. (...) Am Ende der Sendung berichteten sie, dass
ein Flugzeug gerade das World Trade Center getroffen hat. ("Gelobt sei
Allah", ruft ein Gesprächsteilnehmer aus.) Nach einer Weile meldeten sie,
dass ein anderes Flugzeug das World Trade Center getroffen hat. Unsere
Brüder, die die Nachrichten hörten, waren darüber außer sich vor Freude."

"Er (ein Scheich) wusste nichts von der Operation. Nicht jeder wusste
(unverständlich). Mohammed Atta von der ägyptischen Familie (gemeint ist der
ägyptische Zweig der El-Kaida-Organisation) leitete die Gruppe."

"Unsere Brüder, die die Operation ausführten, wussten nur, dass es eine
Märtyrermission war, und wir forderten jeden von ihnen auf, nach Amerika zu
gehen. Aber sie wussten nichts von der Operation, kein einziges Wort. Aber
sie waren gut ausgebildet, und wir haben ihnen nichts über die Operation
gesagt, bis sie dort waren und unmittelbar bevor sie an Bord der Flugzeuge
gingen." "Sie waren außer sich vor Freude, als das erste Flugzeug das Gebäude
traf. Ich sagte ihnen: "Seid geduldig." Der Abstand zwischen dem ersten
Flugzeug und dem zweiten, das in die Türme einschlug, war 20 Minuten. Und der
Abstand zwischen dem ersten Flugzeug und dem Flugzeug, das im Pentagon
einschlug, war eine Stunde." dpa

© Xmedias / Morgenweb-Redaktion   -   13.12.2001


Transcript of Bin Laden Videotape
>From Associated Press

December 13 2001, 10:43 AM PST

Text of the videotape released today by the Defense Department of alleged
terrorist mastermind Osama bin Laden discussing the Sept. 11 terrorist
attacks on United States. 

The transcript and annotations were independently prepared by George
Michael, translator, Diplomatic Language Services; and Dr. Kassem M. Wahba,
Arabic language program coordinator, School of Advanced International
Studies, Johns Hopkins University. They collaborated on their translation
and compared it with translations done by the U.S. government for
consistency. The government said there were no inconsistencies in the

In mid-November, Osama Bin Laden spoke to a room of supporters, possibly in
Kandahar, Afghanistan. These comments were videotaped with the knowledge of
Bin Laden and all present. 

The tape is approximately one hour long and contains three different
segments: an original ta ping of a visit by some people to the site of the
downed U.S. helicopter in Ghazni province (approximately 12 minutes long);
and two segments documenting a courtesy visit by Bin Laden and his
lieutenants to an unidentified Shaykh, who appears crippled from the waist
down. The visit apparently takes place at a guesthouse in Kandahar. The
sequence of the events is reversed on the tape-- the end of his visit is in
the beginning of the tape, with the helicopter site visit in the middle and
the start of the Os ama bin Laden visit beginning approximately 39 minutes
into the tape. The tape is transcribed below according to the proper
sequence of events. 

Due to the quality of the original tape, it is not a verbatim transcript of
every word spoken during the meeting, but does convey the messages and
information flow. 

Editor's Note: 39 minutes into tape, first segment of the bin Laden meeting,
begins after footage of the helicopter site visit. 

Shaykh: (...inaudible...) You have given us w eapons, you have given us hope
and we thank Allah for you. We don't want to take much of your time, but
this is the arrangement of the brothers. People now are supporting us more,
even those ones who did not support us in the past, support us more now. I
did not want to take that much of your time. We praise Allah, we praise
Allah. We came from Kabul. We were very pleased to visit. May Allah bless
you both at home and the camp. We asked the driver to take us, it was a
night with a full moon, thanks be to Allah. Believe me it is not in the
countryside. The elderly ... everybody praises what you did, the great
action you did, which was first and foremost by the grace of Allah. This is
the guidance of Allah and the blessed fruit of jihad. 

Bin Laden: Thanks to Allah. What is the stand of the Mosques there (in Saudi

Shaykh: Honestly, they are very positive. Shaykh Al-Bahrani (phonetic) gave
a good sermon in his class after the sunset prayers. It was videotaped and I
was supposed to carry it with me, but unfortunately, I had to leave

Bin Laden: The day of the events? 

Shaykh: At the exact time of the attack on America, precisely at the time.
He (Bahrani) gave a very impressive sermon. Thanks be to Allah for his
blessings. He (Bahrani) was the first one to write at war time. I visited
him twice in Al-Qasim. 

Bin Laden: Thanks be to Allah. 

Shaykh: This is what I asked from Allah. He (Bahrani) told the youth: "You
are asking for martyrdom and wonder whe re you should go (for martyrdom)?"
Allah was inciting them to go. I asked Allah to grant me to witness the
truth in front of the unjust ruler. We ask Allah to protect him and give him
the martyrdom, after he issued the first fatwa. He was detained for
interrogation, as you know. When he was called in and asked to sign, he told
them, "don't waste my time, I have another fatwa. If you want me, I can sign
both at the same time." 

Bin Laden: Thanks be to Allah. 

Shaykh: His position is really very encouraging. When I paid him, the first
visit about a year and half ago, he asked me, "How is Shaykh Bin-Ladin?" He
sends you his special regards. As far as Shaykh Sulayman 'Ulwan is
concerned, he gave a beautiful fatwa, may Allah bless him. Miraculously, I
heard it on the Quran radio station. It was strange because he ('Ulwan)
sacrificed his position, which is equivalent to a director. It was
transcribed word-by-word. The brothers listened to it in detail. I briefly
heard it before the noon prayers. He ('Ulwan) said this was jihad and those
people were not innocent people (World Trade Center and Pentagon victims).
He swore to Allah. This was transmitted to Shaykh Sulayman Al ('Umar) Allah
bless him. 

Bin Laden: What about Shaykh Al-(Rayan)? 

Shaykh: Honestly, I did not meet with him. My movements were truly limited. 

Bin Laden: Allah bless you. You are welcome. 

Shaykh: (Describing the trip to the meeting) They smuggled us and then I
thought that we would be in different caves in side the mountains so I was
surprised at the guest house and that it is very clean and comfortable.
Thanks be to Allah, we also learned that this location is safe, by Allah's
blessings. The place is clean and we are very comfortable. 

Bin Laden: (...Inaudible...) when people see a strong horse and a weak
horse, by nature, they will like the strong horse. This is only one goal;
those who want people to worship the lord of the people, without following
that doctrine, will be following the doctrine of Muhammad, peace be upon

(Bin Laden quotes several short and incomplete Hadith verses, as follows): 

"I was ordered to fight the people until they say there is no god but Allah,
and his prophet Muhammad." 

"Some people may ask: why do you want to fight us?" 

"There is an association between those who say: I believe in one god and
Muhammad is his prophet, and those who don't (...inaudible...) 

"Those who do not follow the true fiqh (law). The fiqh of Muhammad, the real
fiqh. They are just accepting what is being said at face value." 

Bin Laden: Those youth who conducted the operations did not accept any fiqh
in the popular terms, but they accepted the fiqh that the prophet Muhammad
brought. Those young men (...inaudible...) said in deeds, in New York and
Washington, speeches that overshadowed all other speeches made everywhere
else in the world. The speeches are understood by both Arabs and non-Arabs,
even by Chinese. It is above all the media said. Some of t hem said that in
Holland, at one of the centers, the number of people who accepted Islam
during the days that followed the operations were more than the people who
accepted Islam in the last eleven years. I heard someone on Islamic radio
who owns a school in America say: "We don't have time to keep up with the
demands of those who are asking about Islamic books to learn about Islam."
This event made people think (about true Islam) which benefited Islam

Shaykh: Hundreds of people used to do ubt you and few only would follow you
until this huge event happened. Now hundreds of people are coming out to
join you. I remember a vision by Shaykh Salih Al-(Shuaybi). He said: "There
will be a great hit and people will go out by hundreds to Afghanistan." I
asked him (Salih): "To Afghanistan?" He replied, "Yes." According to him,
the only ones who stay behind will be the mentally impotent and the liars
(hypocrites). I remembered his saying that hundreds of people will go out to
Afghanistan. He had this vision a year ago. This event discriminated between
the different types of followers. 

Bin Laden: (...Inaudible...) We calculated in advance the number of
casualties from the enemy, who would be killed based on the position of the
tower. We calculated that the floors that would be hit would be three or
four floors. I was the most optimistic of them all. (...Inaudible...) Due to
my experience in this field, I was thinking that the fire from the gas in
the plane would melt the iron structure of the b uilding and collapse the
area where the plane hit and all the floors above it only. This is all that
we had hoped for. 

Shaykh: Allah be praised. 

Bin Laden: We were at (...inaudible...) when the event took place. We had
notification since the previous Thursday that the event would take place
that day. We had finished our work that day and had the radio on. It was
5:30 p.m. our time. I was sitting with Dr. Ahmad Abu-al-(Khair).
Immediately, we heard the news that a plane had hit the World Trad e Center.
We turned the radio station to the news from Washington. The news continued
and (there was) no mention of the attack until the end. At the end of the
newscast, they reported that a plane just hit the World Trade Center. 

Shaykh: Allah be praised. 

Bin Laden: After a little while, they announced that another plane had hit
the World Trade Center. The brothers who heard the news were overjoyed by

Shaykh: I listened to the news and I was sitting. We didn't ... we were not
thin king about anything, and all of a sudden, Allah willing, we were
talking about how come we didn't have anything, and all of a sudden the news
came and everyone was overjoyed and everyone, until the next day, in the
morning, was talking about what was happening and we stayed until four
o'clock, listening to the news, every time a little bit different, everyone
was very joyous and saying "Allah is great," "Allah is great," "We are
thankful to Allah," "Praise Allah." And I was happy for the happiness of my
b rothers. That day the congratulations were coming on the phone non-stop.
The mother was receiving phone calls continuously. Thank Allah. Allah is
great, praise be to Allah. 

(Quoting the verse from the Quran) 

Shaykh: "Fight them, Allah will torture them, with your hands, he will
torture them. He will deceive them and he will give you victory. Allah will
forgive the believers, he is knowledgeable about everything." 

Shaykh: No doubt it is a clear victory. Allah has bestowed on us .. honor on
us ... and he will give us blessing and more victory during this holy month
of Ramadan. And this is what everyone is hoping for. Thank Allah America
came out of its caves. We hit her the first hit and the next one will hit
her with the hands of the believers, the good believers, the strong
believers. By Allah it is a great work. Allah prepares for you a great
reward for this work. I'm sorry to speak in your presence, but it is just
thoughts, just thoughts. By Allah, who there is no god but hi m. I live in
happiness, happiness ... I have not experienced, or felt, in a long time. I
remember, the words of Al-Rabbani, he said they made a coalition against us
in the winter with the infidels like the Turks, and others, and some other
Arabs. And they surrounded us like the days ... in the days of the prophet
Muhammad. Exactly like what's happening right now. But he comforted his
followers and said, "This is going to turn and hit them back." And it is a
mercy for us. And a blessing to us. And it will bring people back. Look how
wise he was. And Allah will give him blessing. And the day will come when
the symbols of Islam will rise up and it will be similar to the early days
of Al-Mujahedeen and Al-Ansar (similar to the early years of Islam). And
victory to those who follow Allah. Finally said, if it is the same, like the
old days, such as Abu Bakr and Othman and Ali and others. In these days, in
our times, that it will be the greatest jihad in the history of Islam and
the resistance of the wicked peop le. 

Shaykh: By Allah my Shaykh. We congratulate you for the great work. Thank

Tape ends here. 

Second segment of Bin Laden's visit, shows up at the front of the tape 

Bin Laden: Abdallah Azzam, Allah bless his soul, told me not to record
anything (...inaudible...) so I thought that was a good omen, and Allah will
bless us. (...inaudible...). Abu-Al-Hasan Al-(Masri), who appeared on
Al-Jazeera TV a couple of days ago and addressed the Americans, saying: "If
yo u are true men, come down here and face us." (...inaudible...) He told me
a year ago: "I saw in a dream, we were playing a soccer game against the
Americans. When our team showed up in the field, they were all pilots!" He
said: "So I wondered if that was a soccer game or a pilot game? Our players
were pilots." He (Abu-Al-Hasan) didn't know anything about the operation
until he heard it on the radio. He said the game went on and we defeated
them. That was a good omen for us. 

Shaykh: May Allah be ble ssed. 

Unidentified Man Off Camera: Abd Al Rahman Al-(Ghamri) said he saw a vision,
before the operation, a plane crashed into a tall building. He knew nothing
about it. 

Shaykh: May Allah be blessed! 

Sulayman (Abu Guaith): I was sitting with the Shaykh in a room, then I left
to go to another room where there was a TV set. The TV broadcasted the big
event. The scene was showing an Egyptian family sitting in their living
room, they exploded with joy. Do you know when there is a soccer ga me and
your team wins? It was the same expression of joy. There was a subtitle that
read: "In revenge for the children of Al Aqsa', Osama Bin Ladin executes an
operation against America." So I went back to the Shaykh (meaning Bin Laden)
who was sitting in a room with 50 to 60 people. I tried to tell him about
what I saw, but he made gesture with his hands, meaning: "I know, I know." 

Bin Laden: He did not know about the operation. Not everybody knew
(...inaudible...). Muhammad (Atta) from the Egypti an family (meaning the al
Qaida Egyptian group), was in charge of the group. 

Shaykh: A plane crashing into a tall building was out of anyone's
imagination. This was a great job. He was one of the pious men in the
organization. He became a martyr. Allah bless his soul. 

Shaykh (Referring to dreams and visions): The plane that he saw crashing
into the building was seen before by more than one person. One of the good
religious people has left everything and come here. He told me, "I saw a
vision , I was in a huge plane, long and wide. I was carrying it on my
shoulders and I walked from the road to the desert for half a kilometer. I
was dragging the plane." I listened to him and I prayed to Allah to help
him. Another person told me that last year he saw, but I didn't understand
and I told him, 'I don't understand.' He said, "I saw people who left for
jihad ... and they found themselves in New York ... in Washington and New
York." I said, "What is this?" He told me the plane hit the building. That
was last year. We haven't thought much about it. But, when the incidents
happened he came to me and said, "Did you see ... this is strange." I have
another man ... my god ... he said and swore by Allah that his wife had seen
the incident a week earlier. She saw the plane crashing into a building ...
that was unbelievable, my god. 

Bin Laden: The brothers, who conducted the operation, all they knew was that
they have a martyrdom operation and we asked each of them to go to America
but they didn't kno w anything about the operation, not even one letter. But
they were trained and we did not reveal the operation to them until they are
there and just before they boarded the planes. 

Bin Laden: (...inaudible...) Then he said: Those who were trained to fly
didn't know the others. One group of people did not know the other group.
(...inaudible...) (Someone in the crowd asks Bin Laden to tell the Shaykh
about the dream of (Abu-Da'ud). 

Bin Laden: We were at a camp of one of the brother's guards in Kandahar.
This brother belonged to the majority of the group. He came close and told
me that he saw, in a dream, a tall building in America, and in the same
dream he saw Mukhtar teaching them how to play karate. At that point, I was
worried that maybe the secret would be revealed if everyone starts seeing it
in their dream. So I closed the subject. I told him if he sees another
dream, not to tell anybody, because people will be upset with him. 

(Another person's voice can be heard recounting his dream about two planes
hitting a big building). 

Bin Laden: They were overjoyed when the first plane hit the building, so I
said to them: be patient. 

Bin Laden: The difference between the first and the second plane hitting the
towers was twenty minutes. And the difference between the first plane and
the plane that hit the Pentagon was one hour. 

Shaykh: They (the Americans) were terrified thinking there was a coup. 

Note: Ayman Al-Zawahri says first he commended Bin Laden' s awareness of
what the media is saying. Then he says it was the first time for them
(Americans) to feel danger coming at them. 

Bin Laden (reciting a poem): 

I witness that against the sharp blade 

They always faced difficulties and stood together... 

When the darkness comes upon us and we are bit by a 

Sharp tooth, I say... 

"Our homes are flooded with blood and the tyrant 

Is freely wandering in our homes"... 

And from the battlefield vanished 

The brightness of swords and the horses... 

And over weeping sounds now

We hear the beats of drums and rhythm 

They are storming his forts

And shouting: "We will not stop our raids 

Until you free our lands"...

Im Namen des Erhabenen

Hier eine Kurzanalyse zu dem angeblich so aufschlussreichen Video über Bin
Laden, dass soooo lange "aufbereitet" werden musste, bis es endlich das
Volk sehen darf.

Während jedes Haus der Al-Qaaida in Schutt und Asche gelegt wurde,
überlebte das Video nur mit Tonproblemen. So ein Wunder hatten wir drei
Monaten auch mit einem Pass.

Jedenfalls scheinen die Schauspieler Ihre Texte nicht gut gelernt zu haben
und zudem hat der CIA wirklich keine Ahnung vom Islam! In der
Rechtsgeschichte war der "Beweis" jedenfalls sicherlich einmalig! Da wird
ein Land total zusammengebombt und die Bevölkerung gepeinigt und ermordet
und der "Beweis" zur Rechtfertigung all der Aktionen erst während der
Aktion gefunden, und die westlichen Journalisten machen ALLE stillschweigend
mit. Alle Achtung, wir haben hier wirklich eine interessante Form der
"Demokratie". Goebbels hätte sich über so viel Gleichschaltung gefreut!

Die Lippen der Redner sind fast nie zu erkennen und wenn doch einmal, dann
stimmt es nicht mit dem überein, was sie gerade angeblich sagen. Dennoch,
selbst wenn sie das gesagt haben sollten, was in den offiziellen Texten
behauptet wird, dann ist es wirklich mehr als lächerlich (man schaue die
Passage, die wir mit "ACHTUNG" gekennzeichnet haben.

>December 13, 2001 

>In mid-November, Usama Bin Laden spoke to a room of supporters, possibly in
>Qandahar, Afghanistan. These comments were video taped with the knowledge
of Bin Laden and all present. 

Auf dem Video ist u.a. aus dem Fenster eine geschlossene Schneeschicht zu
sehen, die es Mitte November in Süd-Afghanistan noch gar nicht gab!

>Note: The tape is approximately one hour long and contains three different
>segments: an original taping of a visit by some people to the site of the
downed U.S. helicopter in Ghazni province (approximately 12 minutes long); and two
segments documenting a courtesy visit by Bin Laden and his lieutenants to an
unidentified Shaykh, who appears crippled from the waist down. The visit apparently takes place
at a guesthouse in Qandahar. 

In Kandahar (Südafghanistan) gibt es bis heute noch keine geschlossene

>The sequence of the events is reversed on the tape-the end of
>his visit is in the beginning of the tape with the helicopter site visit
in the middle and the start of the Usama bin Laden visit beginning approximately 39 minutes into
the tape. The tape is transcribed below according to the proper sequence of events.
>Due to the quality of the original tape, it is NOT a verbatim transcript
of every word spoken during the meeting, but does convey the messages and
information flow >EDITOR'S NOTE: 39 minutes into tape, first segment of the bin Laden
meeting, begins after footage of helicopter site visit 

>Shaykh: (...inaudible...) You have given us weapons, you have given us
hope and we thank Allah for you. We don't want to take much of your time, but this is
the arrangement of the brothers. People now are supporting us more, even those
ones who did not support us in the past, support us more now. 

Der Mann scheint Wahrnehmungsstörungen zu haben. Im November hat niemand
mehr diese Verbrecher unterstützt, das war nur die Hoffnung der USA und der
Zionisten, die muslimische Welt hinter diesem Verbrecher zusammenschließen
zu können, um ihren geplanten Clash of Cultures endlich vollends ausführen
zu können.

>I did not want to take that much of your time. We praise Allah, we praise Allah. 

We came from Kabul. We were very pleased to visit. May Allah bless you both at 

home and the camp. We asked the driver to take us, it was a night with a full moon, 

thanks be to Allah. Believe me it is not in the country side. The elderly...everybody praises what you did, the great
action you did, which was first and foremost by the grace of Allah. This is the guidance
of Allah and the blessed fruit of jihad. 

>UBL: Thanks to Allah. What is the stand of the Mosques there (in Saudi

>Shaykh: Honestly, they are very positive. Shaykh Al-Bahrani (phonetic)
gave a good sermon in his class after the sunset prayers. It was videotaped and I was
supposed to carry it with me, but unfortunately, I had to leave immediately. 

>UBL: The day of the events? 

>Shaykh: At the exact time of the attack on America, precisely at the time.
He (Bahrani) gave a very impressive sermon. Thanks be to Allah for his blessings. He
(Bahrani) was the first one to write at war time. I visited him twice in Al-Qasim.

>UBL: Thanks be to Allah. 

>Shaykh: This is what I asked from Allah. He (Bahrani) told the youth: "You
are asking for martyrdom and wonder where you should go (for martyrdom)?" Allah was
inciting them to go. I asked Allah to grant me to witness the truth in front of the
unjust ruler. We ask Allah to protect him and give him the martyrdom, after he issued the
first Fatwa. He was detained for interrogation, as you know. When he was called in and
asked to sign, he told them, "don't waste my time, I have another fatwa. If you want me, I
can sign both at the same time." 

Hier scheinen die Schauspieler bzw. ihre CIA-Regisseure zu glauben, dass
ein Gelehrter (wer immer dieser Bahrani auch sein mag) eine Fatwa
"unterschreiben" müsste, damit sie rechtskräftig ist!? Das ist wirklich

>UBL: Thanks be to Allah. 

>Shaykh: His position is really very encouraging. When I paid him the first
visit about a year and half ago, he asked me, "How is Shaykh Bin-Ladin?" He sends you
his special regards. As far as Shaykh Sulayman 'Ulwan is concerned, he gave a
beautiful fatwa, may Allah bless him. Miraculously, I heard it on the Quran radio station.
It was strange because he ('Ulwan) sacrificed his position, which is equivalent to a
director. It was transcribed word-by-word. The brothers listened to it in detail. I briefly
heard it before the noon prayers. He ('Ulwan) said this was jihad and those people were
not innocent people (World Trade Center and Pentagon victims). He swore to Allah. This
was transmitted to Shaykh Sulayman Al (('Umar)) Allah bless him. 

Komisch, es wimmelt da ja nur so von Gelehrten, die kein Muslim je gehört
hat! Hier scheinen die Regisseure zugeben zu müssen, dass Muslime keine
unschuldigen Menschen umbringen dürfen, daher werden alle Leute in WTC
kurzerhand als "schuldig" erklärt, auch die muslimische Putzfrau, wirklich
interessante Darstellung!

>UBL: What about Shaykh Al-((Rayan))? 

>Shaykh: Honestly, I did not meet with him. My movements were truly limited. 

>UBL: Allah bless you. You are welcome. 

>Shaykh: (Describing the trip to the meeting) They smuggled us and then I
thought that we would be in different caves inside the mountains so I was surprised at
the guest house and that it is very clean and comfortable. Thanks be to Allah, we also
learned that this location is safe, by Allah's blessings. The place is clean and we are very

>UBL: (...Inaudible...) when people see a strong horse and a weak horse, by
nature, they will like the strong horse. This is only one goal; those who want people
to worship the lord of the people, without following that doctrine, will be following the
doctrine of >Muhammad, peace be upon him. 

UBL scheint seine Rolle gut gelernt zu haben und grüßt den Propheten nach
Nennung seines Namens (peace be upon him), da kein halbwegs bewusster
Muslim es sich wagen würde, den Namen des Propheten auszusprechen, ohne ihn
zu grüßen, insbesondere nicht die arabischsprachigen, die das von klein auf
lernen! Das ist noch bedeutsam für den späteren Teil!

>(UBL quotes several short and incomplete Hadith verses, as follows):
>"I was ordered to fight the people until they say there is no god but
Allah, and his prophet Muhammad." 

1. Eine solch "unvollständige" Wiedergabe einer Überlieferung würde sich
ein gelehrter Muslime nicht erlauben. 2. Auch in jeder Überlieferung folgt
der Gruß an den Propheten, nach Nennung seines Namens, außer es stammt aus
den Büchern der Orientalisten. 3. Kein bewusster Muslim sagt den Namen des
Propheten, ohne die Grußformel danach (das kommt ganz automatisch!), nur
von Konvertiten, Neumuslimen, Kindern und Schauspielern kann man das nicht
immer erwarten!

>"Some people may ask: why do you want to fight us?"
>"There is an association between those who say: I believe in one god and
Muhammad is his prophet, and those who don't (...inaudible...) 

Die scheinen diesen Teile der Überlieferungen, so es welche sind, aus
irgendwelchen westlichen Büchern zu haben, bei denen auf die ständige
Wiederholung der Grußformel verzichtet wird. Ein Beobachter des Videos
sagte auch, soweit man überhaupt die Lippenbewegungen erkennen kann (was
fast nie möglich sei) würden diese nicht mit dem Ton übereinstimmen. Bin
Laden ist sicherlich ein Verbrecher, und zwar ein Verbrecher an dem
muslimischen Volk in Afghanistan. Was die Amis jetzt aus ihrem eigenen
Agenten machen, ist schon abenteuerlich! Aber KEIN westlicher Journalist
traut sich einmal kritisch nachzuhaken, was ist nur los mit diesem Land?

>"Those who do not follow the true fiqh. The fiqh of Muhammad, the real
fiqh. They are just accepting what is being said at face value." 

Das ist bestimmt keine "Überlieferung, da der Prophet über sich nie in der
dritten Person gesprochen hat! Da hat wohl ein Orientalist etwas
durcheinandergebracht. Auch würde uns interessieren in welcher
Überlieferung das Wort "fiqh" des Muhammad stehen soll?

>UBL: Those youth who conducted the operations did not accept any fiqh in
the popular terms, but they accepted the fiqh that the prophet Muhammad brought. 

Schlecht einstudiert, Gruß an den Propheten vergessen!

>Those young men (...inaudible...) said in deeds, in New York and Washington, speeches that
overshadowed all other speeches made everywhere else in the world. The speeches are
understood by both Arabs and non-Arabs-even by Chinese. It is above all the media said.
Some of them said that in Holland, at one of the centers, the number of people who
accepted Islam during the days that followed the operations were more than the people who
accepted Islam in the last eleven years. 

Wie hat er diese Statistik in den Bergen von Afghanistan machen können?
Aber er hat recht, das war das größte Problem für die Amis überhaupt. Die
Übertritte waren aber nicht wegen der Terrorakte sondern der offensichtlich
übertriebenen Hetze gegen den Islam danach, die aufgeklärte Menschen dazu
gebracht hat, sich einmal intensiver mit etwas zu beschäftigen, was sie
vorher nicht betraf.

>I heard someone on Islamic radio who owns a school in America say: 

"We don't have time to keep up with the demands of those who
are asking about Islamic books to learn about Islam." This event made people think
(about true Islam) which benefited Islam greatly. 

>Shaykh: Hundreds of people used to doubt you and few only would follow you
until this huge event happened. Now hundreds of people are coming out to join you. I
remember a vision by Shaykh Salih Al-((Shuaybi)). He said: "There will be a great hit
and people will go out by hundreds to Afghanistan." I asked him (Salih): "To
Afghanistan?" He replied, "Yes." According to him, the only ones who stay behind will be
the mentally impotent and the liars (hypocrites). I remembered his saying that hundreds
of people will go out to Afghanistan. He had this vision a year ago. This event
discriminated between the different types of followers. 

Tja der Visionär hat offensichtlich das Ende seiner Vision verschlafen.

>UBL: (...Inaudible...) we calculated in advance the number of casualties
from the enemy, who would be killed based on the position of the tower. We calculated that
the floors that would be hit would be three or four floors. I was the most optimistic of
them all. (...Inaudible...) due to my experience in this field, I was thinking that
the fire from the gas in the plane would melt the iron structure of the building and collapse
the area where the plane hit and all the floors above it only. This is all that we had hoped

Das ist wirklich ein Geständnis, aber für was? Es zeigt, dass Bin-Laden
offensichtlich ein Idiot sein muss, wenn er so etwas gesagt haben sollte,
denn allein die Ausmaße des Flugzeuges das auch nur halb schräg trifft
übersteigt weit mehr als 3 oder 4 Stockwerke! Seine "Erfahrungen" in dem
Bereich scheinen auch sehr merkwürdig, woher hat er die denn? Und vor
allem, wozu hat er denn die Zahl der Opfer kalkuliert? Welchen Sinn macht
das? Was interessiert es einen solchen Terroristen, ob es 100 oder 1000 Tote

>Shaykh: Allah be praised. 

>UBL: We were at (...inaudible...) when the event took place. We had
notification since the previous Thursday that the event would take place that day. We had
finished our work that day and had the radio on. It was 5:30 p.m. our time. I was
sitting with Dr. Ahmad Abu-al-((Khair)). Immediately, we heard the news that a plane had
hit the World Trade Center. We turned the radio station to the news from Washington. The
news continued and no mention of the attack until the end. At the end of the
newscast, they December 13, 2001 reported that a plane just hit the World Trade Center. 

>Shaykh: Allah be praised. 

>UBL: After a little while, they announced that another plane had hit the
World Trade Center. The brothers who heard the news were overjoyed by it. 

>Shaykh: I listened to the news and I was sitting. We didn't...we were not
thinking about anything, and all of a sudden, Allah willing, we were talking about how
come we didn't have anything, and all of a sudden the news came and everyone was
overjoyed and everyone until the next day, in the morning, was talking about what was
happening and we stayed until four o'clock, listening to the news every time a little
bit different, everyone was very joyous and saying "Allah is great," "Allah is great,"
"We are thankful to Allah," "Praise Allah." And I was happy for the happiness of my
brothers. That day the congratulations were coming on the phone non-stop. 

Dieser Teil ist wirklich mehr als merkwürdig! Noch bevor also der Westen
verkündet hatte, wer es war (am ersten Tag wusste man ja noch nichts)
bekommt der Attentäter bzw. sein Gefolgsmann in Afghanistan lauter
Gratulationsanrufe von überall. Es gab also zahlreiche Leute, die ein
Telefon besitzen, die schon vorher wussten, wer es war! Und obwohl so viele
Leute das vorher wusste, wusste kein einziger Geheimdienst vorher etwas!
und alle diese Leute waren so unvorsichtig, dass Sie ohne jegliche Angst,
abgehört zu werden, den Attentäter bzw. seine Freunde anrufen um ihm zu
gratulieren. Jeder, der auch nur etwas in halbwegs ernst zu nehmenden
muslimischen Kreisen lebt weis, was an dem Tag wirklich passierte. Das
Telefon stand nicht still von besorgten Anrufen der Muslime, die alle
wussten, dass hier der 3. Weltkrieg angezettelt werden sollte. Kaum ein
Muslim wusste nicht sofort, welcher Schaden jetzt auf die Muslime zukommen
würde! Und alle waren besorg um die Lage der Muslime in der Welt! Zum
"Gratulieren" war niemandem zumute!

>The mother was receiving phone calls continuously. Thank Allah. Allah is great, praise be to Allah. 

>(Quoting the verse from the Quran)
>Shaykh: "Fight them, Allah will torture them, with your hands, he will
torture them. He will deceive them and he will give you victory. Allah will forgive the
believers, he is knowledgeable about everything." 

Die Übersetzer hatten offensichtlich keine gängige Qur'an-Übersetzung zur
Hand, denn "torture them" ist nicht nur sehr, sehr "frei" übersetzt, sondern
zudem eine echte Manipulation!

Hier eine bekannte Übersetzung des Verses: 9:14. Fight them, and Allah will
punish them by your hands, and disgrace them, help you (to victory) over
them, heal the breasts of Believers, and still the indignation of their hearts. For Allah will turn
(in mercy) to whom He will; and Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise. 

Allerdings darf man den Zusammenhang, in dem der Vers steht, auch nicht
übersehen. Gleich 4-5 Übersetzer, die alle keine vernünftige
Qur'an-Übersetzung zur Hand haben, das ist schon "erstaunlich".

>Shaykh: No doubt it is a clear victory. Allah has bestowed on us...honour
on us...and he will give us blessing and more victory during this holy month of Ramadan.
And this is what everyone is hoping for. Thank Allah America came out of its caves. We
hit her the first hit and the next one will hit her with the hands of the believers,
the good believers, the strong believers. By Allah it is a great work. Allah prepares for you
a great rewardfor this work. I'm sorry to speak in your presence, but it is just
thoughts, just thoughts. By Allah, who there is no god but him. I live in happiness, happiness...I
have not experienced, or felt, in a long time. I remember, the words of Al-Rabbani,
he said they made a coalition against us in the winter with the infidels like the
Turks, and others, and some other Arabs. And they surrounded us like the days...in the days of
the prophet Muhammad. 

Dafür, dass er oben so extrem übertrieben prosaisch angefangen hat, ist der
vergessene Gruß an den Propheten hier schon äußerst merkwürdig! Die
Schauspieler sollten ihre Rollen besser einstudieren!

>Exactly like what's happening right now. But he comforted his followers
>and said, "This is going to turn and hit them back." And it is a mercy for
us. And a blessing to us. And it will bring people back. Look how wise he was. And
Allah will give him blessing. And the day will come when the symbols of Islam will
rise up and it will be similar to the early days of Al-Mujahedeen and Al-Ansar (similar
to the early years of Islam). 

ACHTUNG, dass ist die allerwitzigste Stelle!!!! Hier war wirklich entweder
ein absolut idiotischer Schauspieler und Regisseur am Werk, der keine
Ahnung vom Islam hat, oder gleich alle Orientalisten des CIA haben keine
Ahnung vom Islam.  Schade nur, dass die Stelle nur den Muslimen auffallen
wird. Es müsste eigentlich heissen: ...early days of Al-Muhajereen
(Auswanderer aus Mekka) und Al-Ansar (Einheimischen von Medina)...
Daraus haben diese I... (edited)"Al-Mujahideen" gemacht, weil das in ihren Augen
gut passt und klingt ja auch ähnlich! Die Übersetzer müssen aber wirklich
keine Ahnung haben, denn sonste hätte sie die Begriffe eben übersetzt! Nur
wer unbedingt das Wort "Mujahid" dort im Original stehen haben möchte
(obwohl das nicht gesagt wurde oder falsch einstudiert wurde), nur der
übersetzt den Teil nicht. Wirklich witzig!!! 

>And victory to those who follow Allah. Finally said, if it is the same,
>like the old days, such as Abu Bakr and Othman and Ali and others. 

Wer in dieser Aufzählung ausgerechnet den bekannten Kalifen Omar vergisst,
der hat seinen Text nicht gut gelernt! In manchen Aufzählungen wir Othman
vergessen, weil er nur kurz regiert hat und auch vorher nicht so bekannt
war, aber Omar wird nie vergessen, wenn man die Kalifen aufzählt!

>In these days, in our times, that it will be the greatest jihad in the history of Islam and the
resistance of the wicked people. 

>Shaykh: By Allah my Shaykh. We congratulate you for the great work. Thank

>Tape ends here 

>Second segment of Bin Laden's visit, shows up at the front of the tape 

>UBL: Abdallah Azzam, Allah bless his soul, told me not to record anything
>(...inaudible...) so I thought that was a good omen, and Allah will bless
us (...inaudible...). Abu-Al-Hasan Al-((Masri)), who appeared on Al-Jazeera TV a couple of days
ago andaddressed the Americans saying: "If you are true men, come down here and
face us." (...inaudible...) He told me a year ago: "I saw in a dream, we were
playing a soccer game against the Americans. When our team showed up in the field, they were all
pilots!" He said: "So I wondered if that was a soccer game or a pilot game? Our
players were pilots." He (Abu-Al-Hasan) didn't know anything about the operation until he heard
it on the radio. He said the game went on and we defeated them. That was a good omen
for us. 

Meine Güte, die haben ja nur noch Hellseher unter sich, was für ein
erlauchter Kreis!

>Shaykh: May Allah be blessed. 

>Unidentified Man Off Camera: Abd Al Rahman Al-(Ghamri) said he saw a
vision, before the operation, a plane crashed into a tall building. He knew nothing about

Noch so einer mit astrologischen Kräften. Wahrscheinlich ist der
Hintergrund der, dass die Regisseure davon ausgehen, dass solche kosmischen
Wahrnehmungen bei unausgebildeten Völkern besonders "glaubhaft" klingen.

>Shaykh: May Allah be blessed! 

>Sulayman ((Abu Guaith)): I was sitting with the Shaykh in a room, then I
left to go to another room where there was a TV set. The TV broadcasted the big event.
The scene was showing an Egyptian family sitting in their living room, they exploded
with joy. Do you know when there is a soccer game and your team wins, it was the same
expression ofjoy. There was a subtitle that read: "In revenge for the children of Al
Aqsa', Usama Bin Ladin executes an operation against America." So I went back to the Shaykh
(meaning UBL) who was sitting in a room with 50 to 60 people. I tried to tell him
about what I saw, but he made gesture with his hands, meaning: "I know, I know." 

>UBL: He did not know about the operation. Not everybody knew

Aha, es gab also auch Leute, die vorher nichts wussten!

>Muhammad ((Atta)) from the Egyptian family (meaning the Al Qa'ida Egyptian
group), was in charge of the group. 

>Shaykh: A plane crashing into a tall building was out of anyone's
imagination. This was a great job. He was one of the pious men in the organization. He became a
martyr. Allah bless his soul. 

>Shaykh (Referring to dreams and visions): The plane that he saw crashing
into the building was seen before by more than one person. One of the good
religious people has left everything and come here. He told me, "I saw a vision, I was in a
huge plane, long and wide. I was carrying it on my shoulders and I walked from the road to
the desert for half a kilometer. I was dragging the plane." I listened to him and I
prayed to Allah to help him. Another person told me that last year he saw, but I didn't
understand and I told him I don't understand. He said, "I saw people who left for jihad...and
they found themselves in New York...in Washington and New York." I said, "What is
this?" He told me the plane hit the building. That was last year. We haven't thought much
about it. But, when the incidents happened he came to me and said, "Did you
see...this is strange."
>I have another man...my god...he said and swore by Allah that his wife had
seen the incident a week earlier. She saw the plane crashing into a building...that
was unbelievable, my god. 

Mann müsste einmal mitzählen, wie viele eingebungsvolle Personen die
Al-Qaida hatte. Komisch, dass die alle nicht vorhergesehen haben, wie es
ihnen selbst ergehen wird!

>UBL: The brothers, who conducted the operation, all they knew was that
they have a martyrdom operation and we asked each of them to go to America but they
didn't know anything about the operation, not even one letter. But they were trained
and we did not reveal the operation to them until they are there and just before they
boarded the planes. 

Kurz bevor sie einstiegen, haben sie also die Info erhalten von jemanden,
und der hat dann das ominöse Fahrzeig am Flughafen mit den Flugplänen
vergessen und ist mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln nach Hause gefahren oder
wie ist es zu verstehen?

>UBL: (...inaudible...) then he said: Those who were trained to fly didn't
know the others. One group of people did not know the other group. 

Aha, die wurden also trainiert zu fliegen. Wo kann man denn an so großen
Maschienen fliegen lernen? In Afghanistan? 

>(Someone in the crowd asks UBL to tell the Shaykh about the dream of
>UBL: We were at a camp of one of the brother's guards in Qandahar. This
brother belonged to the majority of the group. He came close and told me that he
saw, in a dream, a tall building in America, and in the same dream he saw Mukhtar
teaching them how to play karate. At that point, I was worried that maybe the secret
would be revealed if everyone starts seeing it in their dream. So I closed the subject. I
told him if he sees another dream, not to tell anybody, because people will be upset with him. 

Aha, UBL selbst bekommt Sorge, dass aufgrund der Vielzahl der Träume, doch
noch etwas rauskommen könnte. Aber CIAler haben eben nicht die Fähigkeit zu
solchen Träumen, davon ist UBL wohl ausgegangen! Über das WTC haben sie
alle geträumt, aber nicht über ihr eigenes Ende, scheinbar sind ihre
kosischen Kräfte eingeschränkt!

>(Another person's voice can be heard recounting his dream about two planes
hitting a big building). 

>UBL: They were overjoyed when the first plane hit the building, so I said
to them: be patient. 

>UBL: The difference between the first and the second plane hitting the
towers was twenty minutes. And the difference between the first plane and the plane that hit
the Pentagonwas one hour. 

Komisch, dass UBL hier im Sinne eines Geständnisses die Nachrichten
wiederholt, die ohnehin schon jeder in der Welt kennt. Die Typen, mit denen
er redet, werden neben dieser tongestörten Kamera ja möglichweise auch ein
Radio gehabt haben. Da sie sich alle auch schon gefreut haben über die
Aufnahmen in Fernsehen, haben sie ja möglichweise auch hingehört. Also was
soll diese komische Info?

>Shaykh: They (the Americans) were terrified thinking there was a coup.
>[Note: Ayman Al-Zawahri says first he commended UBL's awareness of what
the media is saying. Then he says it was the first time for them (Americans) to feel
danger comingat them.] 

>UBL (reciting a poem):
>I witness that against the sharp blade
>They always faced difficulties and stood together...
>When the darkness comes upon us and we are bit by a
>Sharp tooth, I say...
>"Our homes are flooded with blood and the tyrant
>Is freely wandering in our homes"...
>And from the battlefield vanished
>The brightness of swords and the horses...
>And over weeping sounds now
>We hear the beats of drums and rhythm.
>They are storming his forts
>And shouting: "We will not stop our raids
>Until you free our lands"...
>Bin Laden visit footage complete. Footage of the visit to the helicopter
site follows the

"Until you free our lands" ist gut. Während viele Gebiete des muslimischen
Landes wirklich besetzt sind (Palästina seit 50 Jahren), geht BinLaden
ausgerechnet dort hin, wo die Muslime gerade das Land von den russen
befreit haben, um dann diese Muslime zu bekämpfen! Noch einmal: Bin Ladnen
ist nicht nach Afghansitan gekommen, um russen zu bekämpfen, sondern die
Taliban und ihre Helfershelfer sind mit US-Hilfe nach Afghansitan gekommen
um die Afghanen zu bekämpfen.

Wir haben nur den offiziellen englischen Text zur Vefügung und zudem weder
Zeit noch Lust uns ausfürhlich damit zu beschäftigen, aber das, was wir
gelesen haben, genügt, um zu erkennen, dass auch diese Holywood-Arbeit viel
zu dilletantisch durchgeführt wurde.

Allerdings wird es wahrscheinlich für die weitere Jagt auf UBL genutzt
werden, und wenn dann UBL in den verschiedenen Ländern "auftaucht", dannn
wird er beschossen. Mal sehen, wo er als nächstes auftaucht!

Derweil werden die Zionisten ihren Großisraelischen Traum etwas weiter

Aber alle diese Träumer, Geheimdienstler, Astrologen, Schauspieler,
tatsächliche Terroristen, Verbrecher, Möchtegernverbrecher,
Möchtegernanführer usw. usw. haben einen einzigen Faktor bei ihren Arbeiten

ES GIBT GOTT und SEINE Pläne sind besser!

Mit herzlichen Grüßen von

Ihrem Muslim-Markt-Team

Fakten, Fiktionen, Fakes...

 Mathias Bröckers 15.12.2001

 The WTC Conspiracy XXVII

 Wie man durch Ansammlung bedeutungsloser Fakten die Fiktion dessen
"Was wirklich geschah" konstruiert, demonstriert das Nachrichtenmagazin
"Spiegel" in seiner gleichnamigen Serie. Mit minutiöser Faktenhuberei
wird das Drama des WTC-Einsturzes nachgestellt und so getan, als ob
eine ausufernde Beschreibung der Symptome die Ursache der "Krankheit"
erklären würde. Dabei wird keine einzige der Dutzenden offenen Fragen
und Widersprüche zur Ausführung und den Hintergründen des Anschlags
auch nur beleuchtet.

 Damit reiht sich auch das einstige deutsche Flagschiff eines
"investigativ" genannten Journalismus in die Medien-Phalanx der
Propagandawiederkäuer und Kriegsnebelwerfer ein - und wäre nicht der
alte [1]Rudolf Augstein noch in seinen letzten lichten Momenten
glasklar, man könnte meinen, sämtliche Insassen des Spiegel-Hauses an
der Brandstwiete seien nunmehr komplett verrückt geworden. Oder einer
Verschwörung zum Opfer gefallen, die Prozac oder ein anderes
"Take-it-Easy"-Psychopharmakon ins redaktionelle Kaffeemaschinensystem
eingeschleust hat, das jeden kritischen Gedankengang schon im
Kleinhirn  eliminiert und in sternengesprenkelte Bannerwerbung verwandelt. Was in
der hintergrundlosen Nullserie jetzt zum seitenweisen Ausbruch kommt,
deutete sich schon in der "Originalberichterstattung" in den Wochen
nach dem Anschlag an - im kurzen Schluss, und jenseits aller
Pressekodexe und Standesregeln, wurden Verdächtigungen und Vermutungen
in den Bereich der Fakten und Tasachenbeweise gehievt. "Was zählen
Fakten, wenn man hasst" - vor dem Motto, unter dem der "Spiegel" den
Vater von Mohammed Atta porträtiert, sind die Redakteure, wie Uwe
Galle in einer Dokumentation für das Schweizer Magazin [2]Zeitfragen schön
gezeigt hat, offenbar selbst nicht gefeit.

 Unsere kleine Randbemerkung ( [3]Ein lange geplanter Krieg), dass
"Spiegel-Online" bei der Übersetzung eines langen Essays der indischen
Autorin Arundhati Roy ausgerechnet jene 10 Zeilen ohne
Auslassungszeichen verschwinden ließ, in denen sie den Rüstungskonzern
"Carlyle Group" erwähnt, der bis vor kurzem Bush sen. zu seinen
Repräsentanten und die Bin Ladin-Familie zu ihren Investoren zählte,
passt da ins Bild. Denn wohin würde eine Recherche dieser
Zusammenhänge den Blick lenken ? Nicht nach Afghanistan, sondern nach Saudi-Arabien;
nicht auf eine weltweite Phantom-Organisation wie "Al-Qaida", sondern
auf diskrete Netzwerke von Öl,-, Militär,- und Geheimdienstaktivitäten;
nicht auf zum Abschuss freigegebene mittelalterliche "Untermenschen"
namens Taliban, sondern auf die Bonzenvariante dieses Mittelaltertums,
das zutiefst undemokratische, frauenverachtende und korrupte
Feudalsystem der Saudis; nicht auf irgendwelche unbedarften,
gehirngewaschenen Flugschüler, sondern auf ihre perfiden und
durchorganisierten Hintermänner; nicht auf katastrophengeile
Nachbuchstabierung der letzten Minuten an Bord der entführten
Maschinen oder in den Türmen, sondern auf die himmelschreienden Frage, warum die
nur wenige Meilen vom Pentagon entfernten Abfangjäger am Boden

 Mitte Oktober zitierten wir den Bericht der "Times of India", der die
Gründe für den überraschenden Rücktritt des Chefs des pakistanischen
Geheimnsdiensts ISI, General Mahmud Ahmad nannte: aufgrund von
Telefonüberwachungen hatten der indische Geheimdienst und das FBI
ermittelt, dass über einen von Mahmuds engsten Mitarbeitern im Sommer
100.000 $ an Mohammed Atta überwiesen wurden ( [4]Manus Manum Lavat -
Money Money Lavamat). Verglichen mit den wilden Vermutungen und
Spekulationen über die Hintermänner, die bis dato zu Möglichkeiten,
Wahrscheinlichkeiten, Wahrheiten aufgedonnert worden waren, schien das
ein echter Nachrichtenbrocken, eine heiße Spur zu sein. Doch abgesehen
von ein paar Erwähnungen in den westlichen Medien sah sich kein
investigativer Journalist, sei es beim "Spiegel" oder sonstwo,
genötigt, der Sache nachzugehen. Es hätte ja, womöglich, den Blick weg
von Afghanistan nach Pakistan gelenkt, nicht auf den jungen,
ferngesteuerten Dorfprediger und "Staatschef" Mullah Omar, sondern auf
seine Erfinder und Lenker wie General Mahmud, weg von den armen
afghanischen Mohnbauern, hin auf die unter ISI-und CIA-Aufsicht
operierenden Heroinlabors, weg von der gespenstischen Bedrohung durch
fanatisierte Islamisten und hin zu ihren Ausbildern, Finanziers,
Nutzern und Herren.

 Nachdem er Jahrzehnte in Bibliotheken auf der Suche nach
ungewöhnlichen Phänomenen verbracht und die vorliegenden Beweise und
Zeugenberichte auf Karteikarten notiert hatte, veröffentlichte der
amerikanische Schriftsteller Charles Fort 1919 sein "Book of the
Damned". Ein Buch all jener Nachrichten über unerklärliche Ereignisse,
die aus der Wahrnehmung verdammt wurden - nicht weil sie nicht
stattgefunden hätten, sondern weil ihr Stattfinden mit den
herrschenden Vorstellungen über die Naturgesetze bzw. dem gesunden Menschenverstand
nicht vereinbar waren. Uns interessiert der Radikal-Rationalist Fort
("Ich denke, also habe ich gefrühstückt") hier aber nicht als
Enzyklopädist des Unerklärlichen - sein Erbe wird von der [5]Fortean
Times liebevoll weitergepflegt - sondern als Erforscher jener
verdammten Fakten, die trotz Unterbuttern, Übergehen, Ignorieren,
Wegerklären die Eigenart haben, immer wieder störend, unkrautartig,

 Der CIA-Forscher und Ex-Drogen-Cop Mike Ruppert hat auf seiner Seite
zum Beispiel eine ganze Reihe von solchen verdammten Beweisen über die
kriminellen Machenschaften der US-Geheimdienste gelistet, die sich
einfach nicht unterkriegen lassen - und jetzt auch eine Prämie von
1000 $ ausgesetzt, wenn ihm jemand auf seinem [6]Timetable des
Vorauswissens über den WTC-Anschlag (siehe dazu auch das [7]Interview mit Andreas
von Bülow) einen [8]Fehler nachweist. Anti-Conspiracy-Konspirologen können
sich also noch eine Weihnachtsprämie verdienen - und der "Spiegel"
(samt ARD, ZDF, FAZ, SZ et. al.) einen Rehabilitationsversuch starten
und die verdammten Fakten endlich in den Blick nehmen.

 Das Phänomen der selbstverordneten, vorauseilenden Gleichschaltung
der Medien, die in Deutschland seit dem 11.9. noch sehr viel extremer als
zum Beispiel in Frankreich oder England auftrat, verdiente eine
ausführliche Untersuchung. Der (ebenfalls verdammte) Psychoanalytiker
Wilhelm Reich hat in "Massenpsychologie des Faschismus" die Formierung
faschistischer Systeme als neurotische Konstellation beschrieben, die
sich in der Mischung aus Freiheitssehnsucht und Angst vor der
Freiheit, freiheitlichen Phrasen und autoritärem Führerprinzip äußert. "Neu am
Faschismus ist", so Reich 1940, "dass die Menschenmassen praktisch
ihre eigene Unterdrückung bejahten und herbeiführten. Die
Autoritätsbedürftigkeit erwies sich stärker als der Wille zur
Selbstständigkeit". Den bejahenden, sich selbst unterwerfenden
Bushisten und Bellizisten unserer Tage scheint es ebenso zu ergehen -
und den Miet-Schreiberlingen jeder Wille zum selbstständigen Gedanken
wie weggeblasen. Freiheitliche Phrasen hingegen sprudeln nur so ...

 Dass nun nach drei Monaten von der CIA ein Amateur-Video "gefunden"
wird, auf dem sich Bin Ladin (bzw. ein ihm ähnlich sehender Mann)
einem unbekannten Turbanträger gegenüber als Mitwisser des Anschlags zu
erkennen gibt und dessen Gratulationen dafür entgegennimmt, ist als
Zufallsfund nach einem Vierteljahr systematischer Fahndung mehr als
dürftig - selbst wenn das Video, sofern es denn echt ist, als Beweis
für die Mittäterschaft Ladins gelten kann. Es hinterlässt freilich
nicht weniger, sondern mehr offene Fragen:

 Warum lancierte der Superterrorist, der seine Statements im
militärischen Drillich abzugeben pflegte, dabei seine Beteiligung
bisher abstritt und den Anschlag u.a. einer jüdischen Weltverschwörung
zuschob, sein beiläufiges Selbstbekenntnis auf diesem Wege - statt mit
dem Markenzeichen Kalashnikov über den Al Dschasira-Sender? Oder hat
er den Fund gar nicht lanciert, sondern das Band ist aus Versehen "in
einem Haus in Dschalalabad" liegengeblieben, so wie Attas Tasche mit
dem Testament am Flughafen, so wie der Koran und die arabischen
Flugunterlagen? Aber wenn interessieren Videos in arabischer Sprache
in Afghanistan, wo niemand arabisch spricht ? Wenn es als Statement zur
Verteilung in der arabischen Welt gedacht war, warum dann in dieser
grottenschlechten Qualität? Wenn es sich um ein nicht zur
Veröffentlichung bestimmtes privates Videotagebuch von Bin Ladin
handelt, wo sind dann die anderen Bänder ? Wieviele wurden von der CIA
noch "gefunden"? Und: widerspricht nicht das Paradebeispiel für Bin
Ladins diabolischen Zynismus - seine Aussage, dass außer den Piloten
keiner der Mittäter von der Selbstmordmission wusste - der Version der
bisherigen "Fundstücke", des Testaments und der genauen
Handlungsanweisungen für die Gruppe?

 Das neue Beweisvideo bietet dank miserabler Bildqualität,
mangelhaftem Ton und dubioser Herkunft den Medien alle Voraussetzungen, weiter aus
Möglichkeiten Wirklichkeiten und aus Fiktionen Fakten zu machen - doch
die verdammten, unpassenden [9]Nachrichten werden nicht aufhören zu


 [1] http://www.spiegel.de/spiegel/0,1518,170665,00.html
 [2] http://www.zeit-fragen.ch/ARCHIV/ZF_85d/T04.HTM
 [3] http://www.heise.de/tp/deutsch/inhalt/co/11026/1.html
 [4] http://www.heise.de/tp/deutsch/inhalt/co/9905/1.html
 [5] http://www.forteantimes.com/
 [6] http://www.copvcia.com/stories/nov_2001/lucy.html
 [7] http://www.juergen-elsaesser.de/de/artikel/home/0112bue.html
 [8] http://www.copvcia.com/stories/dec_2001/portland.html
 [9] http://11september.20m.com/

 Artikel-URL: http://www.telepolis.de/deutsch/inhalt/co/11353/1.html

************Ende der weitergeleiteten Nachricht***********************

Vorsichtshalber weist der Muslim-Markt darauf hin, daß es uns nicht
möglich ist, den Wahrheitsgehalt dieser Nachricht zu überprüfen, und
es ist grundsätzlich Zweifel bei derartigen Meldungen bezüglich
Richtigkeit und Vollständigkeit angebracht. Daher leitet der
Muslim-Markt nur in den Fällen derartige Meldungen weiter, in
denen es angebracht scheint, dass die Muslime über die Verbreitung
einer derartigen Meldung informiert werden.

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Ihr Muslim-Markt-Team

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briefings about Islam and Muslims in America
from the Muslim Public Affairs Council

MPAC Finds Osama Bin Laden Tape Reprehensible; A Danger to
All Muslims

Washington D.C., December 14, 2001--  The Muslim Public
Affairs Council (MPAC) finds Osama bin Laden's videotape
reprehensible.  The videotape and should quell once and for
all any doubt that Osama bin Laden and Al-Queda are the
culprits behind September 11th's terrorist attacks.  The
Muslim Public Affairs Council is revolted, but not
surprised, by Osama bin Laden's admission of complicity. 

An examination of the transcripts of the tape reveal even
more starkly that Osama bin Laden's religious rhetoric has
nothing to do with the Islam the vast majority of Muslims
practice.  Furthermore, his fringe, maniacal interpretations
of this peaceful religion  do not in anyway represent the
billion Muslim people around the world.  In light of this,
MPAC recognizes the renewed importance of diligently
exposing the true, peaceful, egalitarian and life-affirming
nature of Islam.

The preceding document was posted on MPACnews -
an information source about Islam and Muslims in America
brought to you by the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC)
This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to
  the mailing list <MPACnews@lists.mpacnews.org>.
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Bin Laden Video

US urged to detail origin of tape: As Muslim doubts grow over authenticity,
special effects experts say fake would be relatively easy to make

by Steven Morris

The Guardian,  15  December 2001

The White House yesterday came under pressure to give more details of the
video which purports to show Osama bin Laden admitting his part in the
September 11 attacks.

There was growing doubt in the Muslim world about the authenticity of the
film while special effects experts said computer technology made it possible
to fake such a video. Unless the US gives more information about how the
tape was found or provides more technological details about it, doubts are
bound to linger.

On the face of it the video is the "smoking gun" that proves Bin Laden's
part in the murder of more than 3,000 people in the World Trade Centre and
Pentagon attacks. President Bush yesterday called it a "devastating
declaration of guilt for this evil person".

The 40-minute poor-quality tape, apparently shot with a camcorder, shows Bin
Laden telling a visiting Muslim cleric details of the planning for the
attack and his delight in the carnage.

According to US officials the tape was found in a house in Jalalabad,
eastern Afghanistan, and handed to the Pentagon by an unnamed person or
group. Officials say Mr Bush first watched the tape in November but release
was delayed until it could be authenticated. Independent translators were
used to make sure the US could not be accused of twisting the words of the
men on the film.

But for many the explanation is too convenient. Some opponents of the war
theorise that the Bin Laden in the film was a lookalike, others claim images
of him had been manipulated.

It was also pointed out that it was surprising that a man with the ability
to organise the attacks on America would be naive enough to confess on tape.
And some observers point out that Bin Laden appears to be wearing a ring on
his right hand. In previous film of Bin Laden released by him, he has worn
no jewellery apart from a watch.

Riaz Durrani, a spokesman for Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam, which spearheaded
pro-Taliban rallies in Pakistan, said: "This videotape is not authen tic.
The Americans made it up after failing to get any evidence against Osama."

Legal experts in the US said that prosecutors seeking to bring Bin Laden to
justice would certainly be keen to produce the tape but might struggle to
prove its authenticity.

Henry Hingson, a former president of the national association of criminal
defence lawyers, said: "In this day and age of digital wizardry, many things
can be done to alter its veracity."

On the other hand it would be foolish to fake a video confession, knowing
that if Bin Laden is ever tried his defence team will have experts pore over
the video.

Sean Broughton, director of the London-based production company Smoke and
Mirrors and one of Britain's leading experts on visual effects, said it
would be relatively easy for a skilled professional to fake a video of Bin

The first step would be to transfer images shot on videotape on to film
tape. Distortion or "noise" and graininess would be removed. A "morph ing
package" would then be used to manipulate the image on a computer screen.

Using such a package it is possible to alter the subject's mouth and
expressions to fit in with whatever soundtrack is desired. The final step is
to put the "noise" and graininess back on and transfer the doctored images
on to videotape.

In a recent advert that Smoke and Mirrors made for a US insurance company,
the technique was used to place Bill Clinton's head on an actor's body for
comic effect.

Mr Broughton said that while it would be relatively easy to fake a Bin Laden
video, to fool the top experts was much more difficult. "There are perhaps
20 people in America who would be good enough to fool everybody. To find
someone that good and make sure they kept quiet would probably be pretty

Bob Crabtree, editor of the magazine Computer Video, said it was impossible
to judge whether the video was a fake without more details of its source.
"The US seems simply to have asked the world to trust them that it is

Mr Bush said it was "preposterous for anybody to think this tape was

He added: "Those who contend its a farce or a fake are hoping for the best
about an evil man. This is Bin Laden unedited. This is N the Bin Laden who
murdered the people. This is a man who sent innocent people to their death."

The foreign secretary, Jack Straw, insisted there was "no doubt it is the
real thing".

Bin Ladens "Geständnis-Video" soll fehlerhaft übersetzt sein

Nach Einschätzung eines Hamburger Orientalisten und zweier unabhängiger
Übersetzer ist das von der US-Regierung veröffentlichte Video mit einem
Quasi-Geständnis des Topterroristen Osama Bin Laden an entscheidenden
Stellen manipuliert. Dies berichtet das Politmagazin Monitor.

Bin-Laden-Video: Falschübersetzung als Beweismittel?
Vollständiger Beitrag als HTML-Version:
Bericht: Georg Restle, Ekkehard Sieker